Patrick van der Vorst
- T: +31 10 741 08 03
- M: +31 6 20 21 05 88
- E: patrick.vandervorst@vanniekerkcieremans.nl
Patrick van der Vorst specialises in insurance and liability matters. He assists insurers, manufacturers, construction companies and others with issues of contractual and non-contractual liability (both with a national and international character), particularly relating to technical damage (including construction-related damage), product liability and professional liability.
Patrick also handles recourse cases (e.g. fire recourse) and various types of policy disputes between insurers and their insured (corporate liability, liability of municipalities, PDBI, CAR/EAR, machinery breakdown, D&O). He further advises on matters regarding (policy)conditions and supervisory law.
Patrick graduated cum laude from Erasmus University Rotterdam’s School of Law in the summer of 2007 and joined NautaDutilh in 2008. Patrick – together with the other members of NautaDutilh’s liability and insurance department – transferred on 1 September 2014 to VanNiekerkCieremans, where he became partner on 1 January 2019.
Patrick is a member of the Rotterdam Bar and is a secretary of the board of the Rotterdam Bourse Fire Association (Rotterdamse Beurs Brand Club). He is also a member of several legal associations, such as the Bourse Association for Technical Risk Insurances (Beursclub Technische Verzekeringen), the Association for Construction Law (Vereniging voor Bouwrecht), the Association for Insurance Studies (Vereniging voor Verzekeringswetenschap) and the Netherlands Association for Civil Procedural Law (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Procesrecht).
He publishes on a regular basis and is a member of the editorial board of the online law journal VAST (Verzekeringsrecht, Aansprakelijkheid, Schade en Toezicht). Previously, he has been editor of the journal Aansprakelijkheids- en Verzekeringsrecht in de Praktijk and Juridisch up to Date.
Patrick is recommended by Chambers:
"He often handles complex policy claim disputes, with a focus on technical damage, product liability and professional liability. One client notes his "good analytical skills," saying: "He can go rapidly to the heart of the issue and provides excellent legal advice."