Emma Krikke
- T: +31 10 741 08 05
- M: +31 6 50 42 91 63
- E: emma.krikke@vanniekerkcieremans.nl
Emma Krikke specialises in insurance and liability matters. Emma advises and litigates in matters of contractual and non-contractual liability in cases concerning all kinds of claims and insurance cover for them under policies of all kinds. Emma focuses on cases involving professional, directors’ and company liability, industrial accidents and occupational diseases.. In addition, Emma handles cases involving product liability and (fire)recourse cases. Emma also advises on the drafting of insurance policies and the design of (international) insurance programs.
Emma graduated cum laude from Erasmus University Rotterdam in 2013 and joined NautaDutilh in the same year. Emma – together with the other members of NautaDutilh’s liability and insurance department – transferred to VanNiekerkCieremans on 1 September 2014, where she became partner on 1 January 2024. In 2018, Emma completed the post-graduate Grotius specialisation course Enterprise & Liability cum laude.
Emma is admitted to the Rotterdam Bar. She is also a member of several legal associations, such as the Association for Liability and Compensation Law (Vereniging voor Aansprakelijheids- en Schadevergoedingsrecht) and the Association for Insurance Studies (Vereniging voor Verzekeringswetenschap). Outside her work, Emma holds a position on the board of the Plaswijckpark Foundation.