Extensive experience, personal approach
VanNiekerkCieremans, a law firm specialising in liability and insurance matters, opened its doors on 1 September 2014. The firm may be new, but its lawyers are certainly not. Most of them have worked together previously at NautaDutilh’s Rotterdam office, and are continuing to do so in this new firm, which is based in Het Witte Huis at Wijnhaven in Rotterdam. We are pleased to welcome you to our website and very much look forward to making or renewing acquaintance with you.
“Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure.”
The team
Our lawyers have up to 39 years’ experience and his or her own area of expertise and interests. Cases are therefore always handled at the proper level, and naturally always in consultation with the client.
Tjitske Cieremans
Patrick van der Vorst
Emma Krikke
Lennard Esveld
Willemijn Smit
Sasha Versteeg
Bas van der Ent
Martijn van Rijen
Natasja Delfos
office manager
Antje de Groot
office manager
Eric van Niekerk
Of counsel